Friday, February 29, 2008

Righteous Rocker Passes

Larry Norman dies

Larry Norman, the Christian rock pioneer with his trademark long blond locks, died in his home town of Salem, Oregon on February 25th at the age of 60. The Christian rock singer, described by the Church Times as “without question the Elvis, Dylan and Beatles of Christian music all rolled into one,” had suffered from heart problems for many years. His brother, Charles, who was with him when he died, posted this message to fans on “We spent this past week laughing, singing, and praying with him, and all the while he had us taking notes on new song ideas and instructions on how to continue his ministry and art. Saturday afternoon he knew he was going to go home to God very soon and he dictated the following message: 'I feel like a prize in a box of cracker jacks with God’s hand reaching down to pick me up … I have trouble breathing. I am ready to fly home.'” Steve Goddard, co-editor of the Christian website Ship of Fools, paid tribute to the “the only 'Christian artist' of the early 70s whose music sent a shiver down my spine. He may only have visited this planet - but his footprints are all over it.'” Ed Note: Something inside me has died now that Larry has passed over but I'm glad he visited this planet.

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